
125 consecutive patients with premature atrial stimulation were studied. Three demonstrated sinus node return cycles that were fully compensatory following premature atrial stimuli delivered early in diastole. This second zone of compensation was unaccompanied by significant alterations in the post-return cycle lengths or in P-wave morphology of the return cycle. To account for the occurrence of a complete compensatory pause following very early premature atrial depolarizations, we consider the possibility that retrograde conduction of the early atrial premature depolarization (APD) in the sinoatrial junction was delayed for a sufficient length of time to allow the sinus node to depolarize spontaneously on schedule. Collision between the APD and sinus beat would then occur despite the marked prematurity of the APD. Thus, the early APD had encountered the relative refractory period of the sinoatrial junction, suggesting that decremental conduction takes place within the sinoatrial region in man. These findings imply that there is the potential for reentry in the region of the human sinoatrial junction.

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