
The present paper escribes the framework of a consultative expert system OPDEM (OPtimum DEsign Modeling) for optimum structural design modeling. The OPDEM system is a module in a larger knowledge based expert system OPSYN (OPtimum SYNthesis), that is primarily intended as an online consultant for the optimum design of mechanical and structural systems. The knowledge base for this system includes rules for the formulation of an optimum design model from a more refined analysis model of the structure. It additionally contains rules for dimensionality reduction by recourse to design variable linking and efficient constraint representations. The selection of design variables, constraints, an appropriate definition of the objective function, and the choice of the optimum design strategy is also addressed in the OPDEM system. The principal focus of the effort resides in the formulation of efficient design models, with due consideration of the trade-off between accuracy and the resulting computational effort.

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