
Current microcoil probe technology has emerged as a significant advancement in NMR applications to biofluids research. It has continued to excel as a hyphenated tool with other prominent microdevices, opening many new possibilities in multiple omics fields. However, this does not hold for biological samples such as intact tissue or organisms, due to the considerable challenges of incorporating the microcoil in a magic-angle spinning (MAS) probe without relinquishing the high-resolution spectral data. Not until 2012 did a microcoil MAS probe show promise in profiling the metabolome in a submilligram tissue biopsy with spectral resolution on par with conventional high-resolution MAS (HR-MAS) NMR. This result subsequently triggered a great interest in the possibility of NMR analysis with microgram tissues and striving toward the probe development of "high-resolution" capable microcoil MAS NMR spectroscopy. This review gives an overview of the issues and challenges in the probe development and summarizes the advancements toward metabolomics.

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