
In this paper, we present part of the discussion materials, as well as general conclusions about the training system of specialists for nuclear medicine facilities during speeches and reports at the Scientific and Practical Forum, which was held in person at Saint Petersburg Chemical and Pharmaceutical University (SPCPU) in June and December 2021 on the following topics: Environmental protection. Environmental Risk Assessment at Nuclear Medicine Facilities and Experimental Pharmacology Centers and Environmental Protection. Environmental Risks Assessment in the Radiopharmaceuticals Waste Management.
 The main goal of the Scientific and Practical Forum was to determine approaches to improving and harmonizing masters programs and to develop new programs of additional education at SPCPU in the field of training masters and qualified specialists for nuclear medicine infrastructure facilities, the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency and the Rosatom State Atomiс Energy Corporation.
 At the core of our work is the solution of the problem of training personnel for nuclear medicine facilities - the development of an integrated system for monitoring the science progress, technology and innovation in Russia and abroad, forming an information base on promising trends in scientific and technological development, as well as the identification global technological trends that may have the greatest impact on the development of nuclear medicine.
 For a clear solution of the tasks to achieve the goal of training specialists for nuclear medicine facilities, we propose approaches to develop a roadmap for the development of the Training system of specialists for nuclear medicine facilities at the Saint Petersburg State Chemical and Pharmaceutical University and tools for collecting and processing statistical data and other elements, in accordance with the regulatory legal acts, federal and local regulatory documents.

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