
The present document is a corrigendum to the report 'Radioactive Waste Management Stakeholders Map in the European Union'. The sections about Czech Republic, Slovenia and United Kingdom have been updated with more recent information. Radioactive Waste Management Stakeholders Map in the European Union – Corrigendum Radioactive Waste Management Stakeholders Map in the EU May 2014 2 Czech Republic Radioactive waste management facilities Current:  Dukovany: largest lowand intermediate-level short-lived waste repository adjacent to the nuclear power plants. It is used for diposal of waste produced during the operation of Dukovany and Temelin nuclear power plant. At the Dukovany nuclear power plant site there is also a storage facility for spent fuel in operation since 1997.  Richard: centralized repository for institutional LILW. It is situated in the vicinity of the town of Litoměřice, in the complex of the former limestone mine Richard II. Since 1964 so-called institutional radioactive waste has been disposed there. Radioactive Waste Management Stakeholders Map in the EU May 2014 3 Main organisations involved in radioactive waste management Policy/legislation actors Ministry of Industry and Trade www.mpo.cz Ministry of Finance www.mfcr.cz Ministry of Environment www.mcp.cz Implementing organisation SURAO Radioactive Waste Repository Autority www.surao.cz Regulatory authorities State Office for Nuclear Safety, SUJB www.sujb.cz Czech Mining Office http://www.cbusbs.cz Scientific research Ustav Jaderneho Vyzkumu Rez A.S, Nuclear Research Institute (NRI) www.ujv.cz Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic www.cas.cz Non-governmental organisations (NGOs) The Green Circle (national association of NGOs) Czech Nuclear Society www.csvts.cz Czech Radiological Society www.crs.cz Nuclear industry CEZ www.cez.cz Local community Dukovany local council www.obecdukovany.cz Temelin local council The Czech Government defines the radioactive waste management policy and strategy and guarantees safety of radioactive waste disposal. The state organisation SURAO was established by the Ministry of Trade and Industry in 1997 as a fully state controlled organisation. SURAO operates the existing lowand intermediate-level waste repositories and is responsible for the development of deep geological repository for disposal of HLW and spent fuel. Activities of SURAO are financed from the Nuclear Account, a fund which is created from levies of waste generators for the waste disposal and is managed by the Ministry of Finance. Additionally, SURAO has submitted to the Ministry of Environment applications for non-invasive investigation in potentially suitable areas for the deep geological repository in seven municipalities (SURAO, 2014). CEZ is the main company that operates the nuclear power plants of Dukovany and Temelin. CEZ is fully responsible for storage and management of its radioactive waste at its premises, until it is handed over to SURAO. The State Office for Nuclear Safety (SUJB) is responsible for nuclear safety and radiation protection supervision as well as for the development of legal regulations in the field of nuclear energy use and radioactive waste management. SUJB reports directly to cabinet. The Czech Mining Office approves the construction and operation of repositories and supervises activities connected with radioactive waste management in these repositories, from the point of view of mining regulations. An interesting initiative in Czech Republic is the Working Group for Dialogue on Deep Repository established after the ARGONA EC funded project in June 2010, to bring together all stakeholders in the field of radioactive management to discuss in a “safe space” (Sumberova and Vojtechova, 2011). SURAO initiated this Working Group to “strengthen the transparent process of site selection for geological disposal” (Svacina and Konopasek, 2012). The Working Group was established with the support of the Radioactive Waste Management Stakeholders Map in the EU May 2014 4 Ministry of Industry and Trade and in cooperation with the Ministry of Environment. The working group brings together representatives of municipalities in the areas proposed as suitable for further research, representatives of the government (Ministry of Industry and Trade and Ministry of Environment) and parliament, SURAO, SUJB, local and national NGOs (like Calla and the Environmental Law Service). A sociologist from the Czech Academy of Sciences chairs the group. The working group has organised a number of events, like round table discussions, seminars and public debates. Stakeholders interactions Radioactive Waste Management Stakeholders Map in the EU

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