
ABSTRACT> Spill response equipment is often kept for prolonged periods until required; such equipment would be operated continuously when deployed, often under harsh conditions detrimental to any equipment. Uncertainty in the reliability of response equipment bears significant risks to operational safety and incident management, especially in critical operations that have a widespread impact during an incident. A qualitative risk assessment was conducted on OSRL's equipment stockpile, considering their known history of breakdown (probability) and foreseeable impact (severity) during an incident. The resultant matrix categorises them into five different risk levels from low to very high. Response equipment is categorised in accordance with OSRL's prescribed service life, a set of guidance documents based on the organisation's operational experience and consultation with various manufacturers and other users, forming baseline data of the stockpile. Coupled with the results from the risk assessment conducted, it provides a wider understanding of response equipment from a risk-based perspective. The existing equipment risk profile is mapped out using the above method to provide a high-level overview to decision-makers. Upon discussion with stakeholders, the desired position on the risk profile can be achieved by replacing identified critical equipment or extending the service life of non-critical equipment. A risk-based approach allows a logical prioritisation of actions to be undertaken, in line with the organisation's strategy and enables decision-makers to make plans for a sustainable equipment reinvigoration program over a projected budget and period. With continual monitoring and assessment in place during planned maintenance, timely feedback can be provided to decision-makers on any changes to risk profile in the equipment stockpile; this not only helps in accurately updating the equipment condition, but also enables the early detection of equipment failure and prompts timely actions for resolution. Response equipment constitutes a valuable resource in response readiness; an evolved approach to the management of response equipment is discussed here and can be applied for Tier 1 and 2 response equipment to assure equipment reliability.

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