
Expressions of theSalvia dorrii (Kellogg) Abrams complex, a member of subg.Audibertia Benth., are distributed over much of the western United States. The complex consists of two species,S. dorrii andS. pachyphylla Epling ex Munz.Salvia dorrii is divided into subsp.dorrii and subsp.mearnsii (Britton) McClintock, the latter endemic to central Arizona. Subspeciesdorrii is composed of four varieties: var.carnosa (Douglas ex Greene) Cronq., a large-leaved erect shrub of Washington and Idaho southward through Oregon into extreme north-central California: var.dorrii, a small-leaved erect shrub of southern Oregon and Idaho southward through the Great Basin of Nevada and western Utah to southeastern California and northern Arizona: var.pilosa (A. Gray) Strachan & Reveal, a small-leaved erect shrub differing from var.dorrii by pilose bracts and calyx, in southern California and western Arizona with disjunct populations in the Lahontan Basin of northwestern Nevada and northestern California; and var.clokeyi Strachan, var. nov., a low mat-forming subshrub of the high mountains of Clark Co., Nevada.Salvia pachyphylla ranges from southern California southward to the high mountains of Baja California Norte, Mexico, and eastward across extreme southern Nevada to (as a disjunct) northeastern Arizona. Each entity is described in detail, mapped and illustrated.

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