
Abstract: UPLC is a modern technique which gives a new direction for liquid Chromatography. UPLC refers to ultra performance liquid chromatography, Which enhance mainly in three areas: “speed, resolution and sensitivity. Ultra Performance liquid chromatography (UPLC) applicable for particle less than 2µm in diameter to acquire better resolution, speed, and sensitivity compared With high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). In twenty first centenary Pharmaceutical industries are focusing for new ways to in economy and shorten Time for development of drugs. UPLC analysis at the mean time gives the better Quality of their products and analytical laboratories are not exception in this trend. The separation and quantification in UPLC is done under very high pressure (up To 100M Pa). As compare to HPLC, under high pressure it is observed that not Any negative influence on analytical column and also other components like Time and solvent consumption is less in UPLC.

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