
Ayurveda is the science, which deals with the maintenance of health and treats the disease. Rasayana Aushadhi, Pathya-Apathya, Dinacharya, Rutucharya etc are explained in Samhitas for maintaining the health. Nasya is one of the Panchakarma used for eradication of Urdhvajatrugat Dosha (disease of head and neck). Although Nasya is included in Shodhan Chikitsta, it has various other uses as Shaman for health maintenance and controlling the disease. Today’s lifestyle is very fast growing and having lack of time to look for their health issues. Nasya is the most preferred procedure as it consumes a very reasonable amount of time and can be performed easily as compared to other Panchakarma therapies like Vaman, Virechan and Basti. There is a need to have standard operative procedure, as its effect is largely dependent on the proper administration of Nasya. If this procedure is not followed properly and according to the classics, then there are chances of Vyapad (complications). This article will focus on the standardization of Nasya Karma procedure, Nasya Kal (timing at which Nasya is to be administered) and its importance in today’s lifestyle.

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