
Mechanism of drug action in Ayurveda, is always a topic of interest. Different fundamentals have been put forth by the seers to look at the pharmacodynamics of drug. Conversely, they explained the effect of drug without elaborating the mode/mechanism of action. Among the different concepts, Rasa vikalpa carries great importance in understanding nature and action of the drug.A particular rasa vikalpa acts on a particular pattern of dosha bheda. Unfortunately, the thought of rasa vikalpa is paid less attention these days in Ayurveda. Bhavaprakasha nighantu written by Bhavamishra is,at present, regarded as an authorative text on various medicinal plants.It accommodates 426 medicinal plants. An earnest attempt is made in this review to explore the rasavikalpa of audbhida kasaharadravyas.This review has brought to light 72 botanical sources mentioned in 8 classes that can be grouped as ekarasa vikalpa containing 30 source, dwik rasa vikalpa including 26 sources,trikrasa vikalpa consisting of 13 sources, chatushka rasvikalpa incorporating 2 sources and panchaka rasa vikalpa with one plant.

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