
It is well known that India basically depends on the agriculture being the prime occupation of most of the villagers of this country. Considering the cultivation of eastern part of the country, data shows that in Odisha (India), the rice yield is as high as 1.6t ha-1, and occupies 44.5 lakh hectare land of the state. This rice is carried ahead for milling. At the rice mills, the raw paddy is found with 3% of the immature paddy which cannot be used for extraction of rice. As a result, this becomes a waste. After total processing like parboiling and milling, 22% of husk is generated from the milling of rice. This rice husk and the immature paddy are the wastes to rice mills, whereas these are input fuel to the gasifier which generates energy and other by-products for different industries like cement industry. The rice husk and the immature paddy mentioned above are considered as agricultural wastes and are one of the five types of biomass. The research on national and abroad articles was reviewed on the analytical aspects of a biomass plant. An overview on those articles has been presented along with a brief discussion on few important key parameters which have the potential to change the behaviour of the product obtained from biomass after its energy conversion.

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