
Introduction: The discourse herein explores the topic “Solvents- Dilute, Dissolve and Disperse” and details the importance of the techniques used in the manipulations of solvents to achieve specific needs. The phenomenon involved in “Solvents- Dilute, Dissolve and Disperse” is used in the chemical industries, in the atmosphere, in plants and animals’ metabolism and in every aspect of life. The use of solutions and techniques such as dilution gives chemists control over the amounts of the substance they handle, to transfer substances from one medium to another particularly when only a little sample is available due to its rarity or cost. The phenomenon is used in ore analysis and in the analysis of contaminated food for traces of poison. It has a wide coverage of application in nature. Background: Much of life’s applications is found in mixtures and solutions. The atmosphere is a gaseous solution of Nitrogen, Oxygen, Carbon dioxide, Water vapour and the trace elements. The basis of the atmosphere lends its application in the creation of environments for deep-sea divers and food storage facilities. The ability of a substance to dissolve in another is studied. Solutions are stored in a concentrated form to save space and the concentrated solutions are diluted to variable concentrations as needs result. A microscopic amount of a substance is measured accurately through the dilution technique. When additional solvent is added to a given volume of solution, the number of moles of the solute occupies a larger volume of solution by the dilution. Literally, solvents are solute carriers. Method: A literature review is taken from reputable authors to highlight the descriptions of the terms involved in the topic, “Solvents- Dilute, Dissolve and Disperse” and to elucidate the associated meanings and applications of the concept. Conclusion: Solubility is the ability of a solvent to dissolve a solute. The technique of solubility is widely used in Nature: in Sciences and Arts. There is the need to understand the concept and principle of solubility. This write-up discusses the basis and applications of solubility as guided by the topic “Solvents- Dilute, Dissolve and Disperse”.

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