
Attendance is an important task in any institution. Manual methods generally waste a lot of time. They are also not the safest and fastest option. In schools and colleges, the most common technique for attendance is calling the students' names, and in industries, the most common method is signing a register which generally needs extra time to do the attendance. A "Smart Attendance System with Protection" is proposed to solve these problems. This project is mainly divided into 3 parts according to its applications which includes, attendance, thermal screening and ultrasonic sensors. For the automatic attendance part, the Local Binary Pattern Histogram (LBPH) method is used for the face recognition of the person. LBPH is considered the most useful technique for face recognition. For the second part of the project, thermal screening, a sensor (MLX90614) is used to take the temperature of the person and check if it is normal or not. In the third part of the project, ultrasonic sensors are used to detect the hands of the person. Under the sanitization section, and after detection, a small pump motor is used to pour the sanitizer into the hands of the person for the sanitization of their hands. Manual records can be easily extracted from the Smart Attendance System when needed. Attendance record manipulation is not possible in the system. The proposed device uses the Raspberry Pi, IRT, Ultrasonic Sensor, Pi Camera, and Pump Motor. An attendance record is generated and stored in excel format.

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