
The growing contamination of ecosystems necessitates the development of long-term pollution-removal technologies. Electrodeionization, in notably, has newly proven as an efficient method for removing ionic chemicals from polluted waterways. The fact that continuous electrodeionization is a greener technique is most probably the biggest cause for its success. It replaces the toxic chemicals typically required to replenish resins with electric power, therefore eliminating the wastewater involved with resin renewal. In water treatment, electrodeionization solves some of the drawbacks of ion exchange resin beds, particularly ion dumping as beds expire. This comprehensive review explores the theory, principles, and mechanisms of ion movement and separation in an electrodeionization unit. Also, it investigated the construction and usage, notably in removing heavy metal and its current developments in electrodeionization unit. Recent advances in Electrodeionization like polarity reversal, Resin wafer Electrodeionization, membrane free Electrodeionization, and electrostatic shielding with novel materials and hybrid process along with Electrodeionization were addressed. Further advancements are expected in electrodeionization systems that exhibit better efficacy while running at lower costs due to decreased energy usage, rendering them appealing for industrial scale up across a wide range of applications across the world.

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