
A spectrum of mental issues in the form of behavioural and emotional disorders prevail in society. Not only the adult population but also children are not spared from it. Timely diagnosis and intervention in the form of behavioural modification can control the increasing prevalence of these emotional and behavioural disorders. Ayurveda has its way of prevention and cure; it implements a holistic approach to the management of physical as well as mental disorders. By following Sadvritta (good conduct), the mind and senses of a person gets controlled gradually, making him capable of avoiding indulgence in causative factors. Achara rasayana (rejuvenation through the right code of conduct) is the etiquette for a healthy social life. It is an art of inner reformation or building character, which, when practised, can build a calm and peaceful mind. It is the need of the hour to inculcate the practice of Sadvritta and Achara rasayana in children for proper social adjustment and good mental health.

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