
Infertility – ‘inability for conception’ is a burning issue in the medical fraternity. Worldwide, the prevalence is increasing day by day. Many factors like ovulation disorders, uterine or cervical abnormalities, fallopian tube damage or blockage, endometriosis, pelvic adhesions, etc., contribute to female infertility. Defective or failed ‘Endometrial Receptivity’ (ER) is one among them. Ayurveda highlights ‘Vandhyatva’ as a failure to achieve live birth. Rutu, kshetra, ambu, and beeja are the 4 essential factors required for conception. Out of these, kshetra or garbhshayya is the most important as it is the site of implantation and abode for growing foetus. This article puts light on the concept of endometrial receptivity in relation to infertility.

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