
Cancer is a complex disease involving neoplasm of abnormal cells leading to development of tumor cells. Gene mutations result in aberrant gene expression, which is the major cause observed in all the cancers. The GLOBOCAN 2012 reported the highest age-standardized rates for cancer of the colorectum followed by stomach, liver, and esophagus, which are gastrointestinal cancers, and the new cases also followed the same order across the globe. Various risk factors are associated with different types of cancer which can be classified as dietary and non-dietary risk factors. The dietary risk factors include diet, alcohol, and nutrient deficiencies, whereas the non-dietary risk factors of cancers are tobacco, lifestyle choices, certain infections, occupational exposures, and environmental factors. The aim of this review is to focus on the dietary and non-dietary risk factors linked to gastrointestinal cancers, which could be beneficial in clinical decision-making.

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