
Acharya Sushruta has described 107 marmas. Marma is constituted as combination of Mamsa (muscle), Sira (vessels), Snayu (nerve, tendon, ligament), Asthi(bone) and Sandhi (joints).This five tissue participate to play vital role in any injury that occur to any of the marma. Kurpara marma is located at the junction of bahu (arm) and prabahu (forearm) i.e exactly at the elbow joint in both the upper limbs. Kurpara marma is one of the Vaikayalkara marma (loss of function). Vaikalyakara marma means the marma which causes deformity on getting injured.. An injury to this marma causes deformity, pain and swelling. The articulating surfaces that form the elbow joint occurs between the trochlea and capitulum of humerus and trochlear notch of the ulna and head of radius. Elbow joint is responsile of flexion and extension of the upper limb.Tennis elbow is one of the common disease that occur on lateral side of the elbow due to Sprain of radial collateral ligament and tearing of fibres of the extensor carpi radialis brevis.It causes pain and restricted moment of the hand. Preventive measures can be used to reduce the symptoms and lessen the pain.


  • Kurpara marma is present at the joint of arm and forearm .It can be compared with elbow joint as both of them has a lot of anatomical and structural similarities.Vaikalyakara marma means the marma which causes deformity on getting injured

  • KURPARA MARMA: Kurpara marma is located at the junction of bahu and prabahu i.e exactly at the elbow joint in both the upper limbs

  • Kurpura marms is one of them.It is located in between arm and forearm.It can be correlated with elbow joint as both are very similar anatomically

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Kurpara marma is present at the joint of arm and forearm .It can be compared with elbow joint as both of them has a lot of anatomical and structural similarities.Vaikalyakara marma means the marma which causes deformity on getting injured. If injury occur to these marmas they can cause deformity in the body but if it is treated by efficient physician the injured part can become active. 1. Trochlea – It is a pulley like structure on medial aspect of distal end of the humerus.It forms Ulno-Trochlear joint with trochlear notch of ulna.

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