
Abstract Electric discharge machine is widely used for generating complex shapes and sharp corners in injection molds and die which required precise machining and good quality of surface finish. Numerous advancements in the field of EDM had been done to obtain better surface quality and high material removal rate. Additive mixed EDM process is one of the advancement in the field of EDM to obtain high machining performance. Additive mixed EDM with suitable powder is suitable to obtain the desired surface finish of machining of mold cavity. AMEDM process is based on thermo-electrical process in which machining takes place with help of controlled rapidly periodic sparks between the tool electrode and work piece with circulation of powder mixed dielectric. Different conductive powder like alumina, graphite, tungsten, silicon carbide etc. is mixed with different dielectric fluid to obtain higher machining performance. The sole aim to write this review paper is, to explain the basic concept of additive mixed EDM process and its process parameters which affects machining process.

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