Online partial discharge (PD) measurements have long been used as an effective means to assess the condition of the stator windings of large generators. An increase in the use of PD online measurement systems during the last decade is evident. Improvements in the detection capabilities are partly the reason for the increased popularity. Another reason has been the development of digital signal processing techniques. In addition, rapid progress is being made in automated single PD source classification. However, there are still some factors hindering wider application of the system, such as the complex PD mechanism and PD pulse propagation in stator windings, the presence of detrimental noise and disturbances on-site, and multiple PD sources occurring simultaneously. To avoid repetition of past work and to provide an overview for fresh researchers in this area, this paper presents a comprehensive survey of the state-of-the-art knowledge on PD mechanism, PD pulse propagation in stator windings, PD signal detection methods and signal processing techniques. Areas for further research are also presented.
IntroductionPropagation in stator winding, partial discharge (PD) signal detection and insulation condition evaluation based on PD
In addition to the widely used TF features of partial discharge (PD) pulses, Kuljaca et al [101] extracted the amplitudes of three different frequencies from the Fast Fourier transform (FFT) of each PD pulse, exhibited them in 3D amplitude frequency space (AFS) to effectively separate sub-pattern corresponding to each PD source
PD online measurement provides an important tool for assessing the insulation condition of the stator windings of large generators
Propagation in stator winding, PD signal detection and insulation condition evaluation based on PD. Based on a ccoomprehensive survey of PD theory and application, combined with the authors’ wwoorrkk oonn tteesstt rreesseeaarrcchh aanndd aapppplliiccaattiioonn oonn llaarrggee ggeenneerraattoorrss dduurriinngg tthhee llaasstt ddeeccaadde, tthhiiss ppaper reevviieewwss online PD mmeeasurement in llaarrgge ggeenneerrators oover tthhee ppaasstt ddeeccaaddeess aanndd hhiigghhlliigghts ssoomme ccoonncceerns iinn current research and applications.
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