
This study focuses the previous studies carried over replacing the normal water used for mixing the cement binder with aggregates, with sea water in sample mixes. This study also includes the testing and analysis of M20 and M30 mixes with different proportions of sea water content. Previous studies include casting and testing of samples for 3, 7 and 28 days of time period and the basic strength properties were determined and results were recorded. The results recorded exhibits a healthy growth in concrete properties and also emphasizes on the potential importance of using sea water in concrete matrix. Utilization of sea water in concrete appears to be a spearheading thought in the field of research and development. In this study, the significance of sea water as mixing medium for all aggregates for further research-based investigations. This study consolidates articles related to the development of SCC and all showed a positive intent towards concrete materials blended with sea water. In this test, the impact of cement with ocean water and typical water on compressive quality and parting elasticity, supplanting of sea water were cast and tested for 7 days, 14 days and 28 days compressive quality and parting elasticity. Subsequently the quality obtained in sea water as it exhibits more quality than ordinary water as a mixing medium.

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