
To study the etiology of rhegmatogenous retinal detachment and visual outcome after retinal detachment surgery. Retrospective study conducted at the tertiary eye care hospital over a period of one year. Thirty eyes of 30 patients were included after fulfilling the inclusion criteria. Complete ocular examination details of each patient such as visual acuity for distant vision (checked with Snellen's acuity chart),slit lamp examination, fundus examination (done with +90D lens) and binocular indirect ophthalmoscopy. In addition the following were noted: extent of the detachment present, position and number of breaks, status of the macula, presence of PVR, mobility of retina and presence of any peripheral retinal degenerations, and fundus photographs of the patient (before and after surgery). Risk factors for retinal detachment included myopia in 7 eyes (23.3%), prior cataract surgery in 10 eyes (33.3%), peripheral retinal degeneration in 3 eyes (10%) and traction with new vessels in 1 eye (3.3%). Eighteen eyes (60%) presented with macula off while 12 eyes (40%) presented with macula partly or completely attached. Visual acuity at presentation was <3/60 in 16 eyes. Following surgery, retina was attached in 28 eyes (93.3%) and remained detached in 2 eyes (6.7%). Visual acuity after surgery was <3/60 in 12 eyes.Visual acuity improved in 13 eyes (43.3%), remained the same in 16 eyes (53.3%) and worsened in 1 eye (3.3%). Myopia and prior cataract surgery are important risk factors for Rhegmatogenous Retinal Detachment. Majority of patients in this setting presented late with Rhegmatogenous Retinal Detachment and this was responsible for relatively poor visual outcomes despite good anatomical results after surgery. Proper screening of eyes at risk and education of patients is important for preventing visual loss due to retinal detachment.

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