
The factors that can make mankind successful and secure are human progress, human rights, and security. Human progress gives people the rights and skills they need to live happy, fulfilling lives. People are given support by human rights, which give them access to rights and skills. People have a right to the fundamental things in life, such as a sufficient level of living and entitlements for their existence. These rights, entitlements, and abilities may be fully fulfilled .if people are given the correct kind of authority, which will benefit everyone in society, but notably the poorest, exploited, and excluded. So, in order to develop policies and programmes for human improvement and security, it is vital to understand these ideas and how they interact. It is important to highlight the gap between "a right" and "a human right" here: A right is only one that society has the capacity to defend in order to enjoy it and to seek redress when it is abused. Being a human being must be a sufficient justification or reason for obtaining a right in order for it to be considered a human right, and only then. For instance, the "right to food" is a fundamental human right because everyone needs it to survive. The "Action Aid" brochure from 2004 provides the following succinct summary of human rights: “Regardless of their social, political, or legal standing, everyone has the right to live in dignity at all times”. Human rights are not a luxury, a gift, or a deed of kindness that may be granted on someone at their whim. All human rights are based on fairness and equality. It involves access to proper shelter, clean water, food, and health care, as well as freedom from slavery and reliable legal treatment. “The universal concepts of human rights are built on these fundamental human needs and ideals”. Keywords: Human progress, Evolution of Human right, Right to eat, Human security.

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