
<p>本研究以台灣南部持續降雨的823水災為案例進行研究。研究者選取台南市麻豆區人口老化嚴重的北勢里、小埤里和埤頭里作為案例研究地點。並於2019年10月對里長、高齡者、麻豆區民政部門和其他縣市民政防救災單位相關承辦進行深入訪談,了解社區高齡者在水災時經驗與在災害過程中遇到的問題,及地區災害防救工作落實於高齡者避難收容實踐。 研究者共訪談了17位高齡者、里長2位與區公所相關承辦人員,受訪高齡者年齡在63至90歲之間。訪談結果顯示,水災對研究地區造成嚴重破壞,由於地區水位監測傳感器被洪水沖走,導致區公所錯過預先撤離機會,社區在具有自救能力居民協助下進行撤離。儘管社區平時有防災社區培訓,但因安全與財產損失歸屬問題,導致社區防災和疏散系統無法有效運作,區公所民政課與社區之間溝通不良,救援支持工作受阻。此外,由於地區受災嚴重,區公所缺乏足夠的救災資源和設備,需要外部援助(軍方)。但因無法及時提供救援,導致社區救災資源枯竭。高齡者與弱勢居民只能垂直避難並等待救援,進行二次或多次避難。 根據前述發現,當發生大規模洪災時,社區內部的相互救援和支持極為重要,可向高齡者提供直接和無障礙援助。防救災單位應當增加社區高齡者的主要聯絡人,確定防災和救災專業知識,並提供適當的專業培訓,使這些人可以作為向社區高齡者傳遞信息的橋樑。簡言之,前述措施可幫助高齡社區在災難期間實施自救工作。</p> <p> </p><p>This study selected three villages in Madou District, Tainan City - Beishih Village, Siaopi Village, and Pitou Village in 823 flood disaster to be the research site for analysis. These three villages face the common problem of a drastically aging population. The author conducted in-depth interviews to understand the problems faced by community elderly when prolonged flooding occurs, and to expound the issues encountered during the course of natural disasters. The author visited the three villages (in which Siaopi Village has merged into Pitou Village) to conduct interviews with elderly residents and 17 elderly residents were interviewed. The interview results indicate that the flood had caused serious damage in the study area. As the water level monitoring sensor of the area’s disaster prevention unit was swept away by the floodwaters, it was impossible to ascertain the extent of the damage caused by the heavy rainfall on the area. Consequently, no preventive evacuation measures were implemented and the decision to evacuate was made by the community, in conjunction with the assistance of residents with self-rescue capabilities. Despite regular training, due to flooding and property considerations, the community’s disaster prevention and evacuation system was inoperable, and there was a lack of communication and rescue and support efforts between the district office and the community. Moreover, owing to the size of the disaster area, the district office lacked sufficient disaster relief resources and equipment and required external assistance. However, the assistance was not provided in a timely manner and the community’s resources became depleted. The victims could only save themselves while awaiting the district office to transport them to the evacuation shelters. Based on the findings, the author deduced that when natural disasters occur, community elderly victims have a poor response capability and tend to delay their decision to evacuate. During a flooding event, they would prioritize vertical evacuation unless the water supply and power have been cut off from their homes, and they would only move to an evacuation shelter if they are unable to seek refuge somewhere near their homes. Moreover, the elderly residents had a propensity to rely on people they are familiar with to make their evacuation decisions. As a result, if the opportunity for pre-evacuation is missed, rescue efforts would become more difficult. Since most of the elderly residents had chronic diseases and regularly required medical treatment or health care, natural disasters are a threat to their lives and health. Some of them were even hard of hearing and could not articulate their words properly. It is often not possible to achieve effective information transfer. According to the findings, disaster prevention and relief units should also identify and provide adequate professional training on disaster prevention and relief for the key contact persons of elderly residents in a community, such that these people can serve as a bridge for conveying information to elderly victims. In short, these measures can assist aging communities to implement selfrescue efforts during disasters.</p> <p> </p>

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