Energy consumed the in urban sector accounts for a large proportion of total world delivered energy consumption. Residential building energy consumption is an important part of urban energy consumption. However, there are few studies focused on this issue and that have simulated the energy consumption of residential buildings using questionnaire data. In this research, an eQUEST study was conducted for different residential buildings in the Olympic Central Area in Beijing. Real-time meteorological observation data and an actual energy consumption schedule generated by questionnaire data were used to improve the eQUEST model in the absence of actual energy consumption data. The simulated total energy consumption of residential buildings in the case area in 2015 is 21,262.28 tce, and the average annual energy consumption per unit area is 20.09 kgce/(m2·a). Space heating accounted for 45% of the total energy consumption as the highest proportion, and the second highest was household appliances, which accounted for 20%. The results showed that old residential buildings, multi-storey buildings and large-sized apartment buildings consume more energy. The internal units, building height, per capita construction area, the number of occupants and length of power use had significant impact on residential energy consumption. The result of this study will provide practical reference for energy saving reconstruction of residential buildings in Beijing.
Residential and commercial end users together accounts for 20.1% of the total delivered energy consumed worldwide
Eelevstor refers to the elevator energy consumption within a year; K1 stands for drive system coefficient, the value of which is 1.0; K2 refers to the average running distance coefficient; K3 refers to the average load factor, the value of which is 0.35; H refers to the maximum operating distance (m); F refers to the number of starts in a year, the value of which is generally between 100,000–300,000; P is the rated power of the elevator, the unit for which is kW; V is the elevator speed, the unit for which is m/s; and Estandby refers to the total energy consumption in a year, the unit for which is kWh/a
To improve the simulation accuracy, real-time meteorological data based on field observation and actual energy consumption behaviour schedule were imported
Residential and commercial end users together accounts for 20.1% of the total delivered energy consumed worldwide. Iwan et al promoted a questionnaire survey of 11 living areas in Indonesia and used a lifestyle analysis to calculate the construction of residential energy consumption [9]. This type of research was more concerned about the factors that influence the energy consumption and the energy consumption of the families in the area. A research based on a survey in Basel showed that the energy consumption of residential buildings and the construction age had a nonlinear correlation [28]. The variables analysed in this research came from survey questionnaire data, and 19 of them were selected from the iitems ooff hhoouusseehhoold iinnccoome, hhoousehold conditions, building conditions, lifestyle, household appliances and energgyy--ssaavviinngg ccoonncceeppttrreeffeerreenncciinnggttooPPUU’’sssseelleeccttiioonn. TThhee llooccaattiioonn ooff tthhee BBeeiijjiinngg OOllyymmppiicc CCeennttrree AArreeaa aanndd SSiixx SSuurrvveeyyeedd DDiissttrriiccttss
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