
In this paper, a real -timeoil Pipeline intrusion detection system was designed, developed and implemented using acoustic sensors. This approach involves the transmission of audio tones through wires laid along the pipeline. It is intended to overcome most of the problems associated with previous systems designed for this purpose, which includeconscious monitoring, unavailability of mobile network service for SMS monitoring , and destruction ofcameras by intruders.The systemconsists of a master controller module and three or possibly more slave modules. The master module regularly polls the slave modules for acoustic signals that are transmitted to a computer. Dedicated software programs, running on the computer readsthe status data from the Master module and displays it on a Graphical User Interface ( GUI).A decision can then be made regarding the nature of the signal. Limitations likethedelay in signal transmission to the control station and fromlongerdistancesalong the pipelineneed to be solved in further work.

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