
We propose a real-time decoding sequencing strategy in which a template is determined without directly measuring base sequence but by decoding two sets of encodings obtained from two parallel sequencing runs. This strategy relies on adding a mixture of different two-base pair, A+G, C+T, A+C, G+T, A+T or C+G (abbreviated as AG, CT, AC, GT, AT, or CG), into the reaction each time. When a template is cyclically interrogated twice with any two kinds of dual mononucleotide addition (AG/CT, AC/GT, and AT/CG), two sets of encodings are obtained sequentially. The two sets of encodings allow for the bases to be sequentially decoded, moving from first to last, in a deterministic manner. This strategy applies fewer cycles to obtain longer read length compared to the traditional real-time sequencing strategy [1]. Partial rnpB gene was applied to verify the applicability of the decoding strategy via pyrosequencing. The results indicated that the sequence could be reconstructed by decoding two sets of encodings. Moreover, streptococcal strains could be differentiated by comparing signal intensity in each cycle and encoding size of each template. This strategy is likely to be applied to differentiate nucleic acid sequence as encoding size and signal intensity in each cycle vary with the base size and composition. Furthermore, it has the potential in building a promising strategy that could be utilized as an alternative to conventional sequencing systems.

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