
This paper describes the calibration of the Arrhenius Wescott–Stewart–Davis (AWSD) reactive flow model for the recently developed high explosive PBX 9701, which consists of 97% 3,3′-diamino-4,4′-azoxyfurazan (DAAF) and 3% FK-800 binder by weight. DAAF-based explosive formulations have several desirable qualities as they are relatively insensitive to non-shock insults but have higher performance than triaminotrinitrobenzene based formulations. Equations of state for the explosive reactants and products are calibrated using a combination of existing and new experimental data and theoretical calculations. The AWSD rate law calibration utilizes both one-dimensional shock-to-detonation and multidimensional rate stick experiments to capture the shock initiation and propagating detonation regimes. Validation of the calibrated model is demonstrated through comparison with recent gas-gun experiments.

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