
Breast cancer is a cancer that begins in the tissue of the breast. It occurs when the breast cells alter anddevelop out of control. Normally, the cells form a tumor. The cancer is referred to as “invasive” if it hasgone beyond the breast. It’s possible that it’ll only spread to adjacent tissues and lymph nodes. To assessthe Pretest and Posttest level on Knowledge, Attitude and Practice regarding BSE among female supportivestaff. To assess the Effectiveness of IEC on Knowledge, Attitude and Practice. To assess the Relationshipbetween Knowledge, Attitude and Practice regarding BSE. To find out the association between mean differedscore of Knowledge, Attitude and Practice regarding BSE with selected socio demographic variable. Aquasi-experimental study was conducted in A.C.S medical college and hospital with female supportive staff.The technique were selected Simple Random sampling technique based on the inclusive and exclusivecriteria. Overall sample is 75 female supportive staff. They are divided into three groups and the data iscollected by pre and posttest method. After collecting the pretest data the IEC booklet was distributed to theparticipants. In pretest most of the female supportive staff (93.33%) had inadequate knowledge, (4%) hadmoderate knowledge and (2.67%) had adequate knowledge regarding BSE. Whereas in the post test afterthe administration of IEC, (89.33%) had adequate knowledge and (10.67%) had moderate knowledge. In thepretest most of the female supportive staff (100%) had inadequate practice regarding BSE. In posttest after theadministration of IEC, (48%) had inadequate practice, (32%) had moderate practice and (20%) had adequatepractice. In the pretest most of the female supportive staff (49.3%) had moderately favorable attitude, (48%)had unfavorable attitude and (2.67%) had favorable attitude. In posttest after the administration of IEC, (56%)had moderately favorable attitude, (38.67%) had favorable attitude and (5.33%) had unfavorable attitude.The pretest mean score of knowledge was 4.65±1.89, mean score of practice was 0.15±0.36 and the pretestmean score of attitude was 7.33±2.26. Comparison revealed that the mean pretest and posttest Knowledge,Attitude and Practice regarding BSE. The demographic variables of female supportive staff significantlyassociated with the Knowledge and there is no significant association with Attitude and Practice. This studyconcludes that there is improvement in the level of Knowledge, Attitude and Practice of BSE among femalesupportive staff which indicates that the Information booklet is effective.

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