
A wide variety of chemicals having distinct odors are smelled by humans. Odor perception initiates in the nose, where it is detected by a large family of olfactory receptors (ORs). Based on divergence of evolutionary model, a sequence of human ORs database has been proposed by D. Lancet et al (2000, 2006). It is quite impossible to infer whether a given sequence of nucleotides is a human OR or not, without any biological experimental validation. In our perspective, a proper quantitative understanding of these ORs is required to justify or nullify whether a given sequence is a human OR or not. In this paper, all human OR sequences have been quantified, and a set of clusters have been made using the quantitative results based on two different metrics. Using this proposed quantitative model, one can easily make probable justification or deterministic nullification whether a given sequence of nucleotides is a probable human OR homologue or not, without seeking any biological experiment. Of course a further biological experiment is essential to validate the probable human OR homologue.

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