
Despite the high creation cost, annotated corpora are indispensable for robust natural language processing systems. In the clinical field, in addition to annotating medical entities, corpus creators must also remove personally identifiable information (PII). This has become increasingly important in the era of large language models where unwanted memorization can occur. This paper presents a corpus annotated to anonymize personally identifiable information in 1,787 anamneses of work-related accidents and diseases in Spanish. Additionally, we applied a previously released model for Named Entity Recognition (NER) trained on referrals from primary care physicians to identify diseases, body parts, and medications in this work-related text. We analyzed the differences between the models and the gold standard curated by a physician in detail. Moreover, we compared the performance of the NER model on the original narratives, in narratives where personal information has been masked, and in texts where the personal data is replaced by another similar surrogate value (pseudonymization). Within this publication, we share the annotation guidelines and the annotated corpus.

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