
In today's dynamic world, in the course of the intensive technology development, adolescent's interest is being shifted to the audio-visual technologies and the media, the values and morals are depreciated, anthropocentrism, expressed in the message "Man - the master of nature," is being enforced.The basic paradigm of our consumer-oriented daily life is creating ever more complex environmental problems, especially when interacting with the surrounding world. This determines not only the acquisition but also the subsequent deepening of the environmental competence of adolescents starting from pre-school age.This article outlines the structure of environmental competence. It shows both its individual components and the contents thereof.The article examines projective methodologies not only as a reliable but also as a necessary component of pedagogical diagnostics. It is through projective methodologies that children are able to provide impulsive responses, recognizing themselves in a particular situation. This is undoubtedly a precondition for accurate and comprehensive analysis (both quantitative and qualitative).Turning to the pedagogical reality, we can draw the following conclusion: pre-school pedagogy lacks methodologies examining the environmental competence of pre-school children. This causes us to propose in this article a standardized version of a projective methodology for studying the environmental competence of pre-school children. The diagnostic qualities of the projective methodologies vary from the ability of examining particular phenomena to the ability of examining widely generalized phenomena. Another advantage of the projective methods is the easy contact with the preschool children who will be diagnosed. It is precisely the projective methodologies that provoke impulsive associations in adolescents, thus allowing to make a more precise assessment when diagnosing the children in the studied field.The scientific purpose of the methodology we propose is to diagnose children's concepts about the influence of the anthropogenic factor on the state of the environment (as the habitat of all living creatures).We believe that the data obtained from the projective methodology we propose could effectively serve to determine the environmental competence of pre-school children.

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