
<p>本研究旨在探究臺灣無性戀現身經驗,邀請6位無性戀者進行訪談,不聚焦單一現身對象,以開放地態度蒐集與探究資料,以「敘事研究取向」視框進行資料分析,試圖理解無性戀之現身經驗為何?研究結果有三:(一)無性戀能見度低影響現身經驗,包含需要解釋「什麼是無性戀」、現身是多次反覆全面性的行動、難以被理解;(二)臺灣同性婚姻對於無性戀現身經驗獨具意義,包含評估欲現身對象的酷兒知能與開放度、實踐社會正義、大幅降低被病理化的思維;(三)向伴侶現身尤為挑戰,包含避免錯誤期待、考量現身風險。最後,依據研究結果與文獻對話給予未來研究與實務建議,包含(一)研究建議:聚焦於無性戀像伴侶現身議題;(二)實務建議:在教育或教學現場,提供教師與學生「無性戀」概念,以提升無性戀的能見度;在諮商實務的現場,實務工作者要積極反思自身的「性價值觀」,以及擴展「性相關議題」之視框,除了增加對各個性傾向關注度之外,必須胸懷性少數的多樣性,避免先入為主的刻板印象,才不致在助人工作的成效上陷入盲點與困境,對性少數與臺灣整體社會有所貢獻。</p> <p> </p><p>The purpose of this study is to explore the disclosure experience of Taiwan asexual by interviewing six Taiwanese asexual individuals. Using a narrative research approach, we analyzed the data through the "category-content" method. There are three parts in the results. Firstly, considerations to disclosure their asexuality is influenced by the people they are interacting with. For instance, disclosure to their family is based on the quality of daily relationships, how accepting and open-minded to queer knowledge they are; disclosure to friends and communities is part of the process of identity recognition, increasing common sense of queer individuals, practicing social justice, and challenging old frameworks; disclosure to partners put them into the risks of not being understood and forming false expectations. Secondly, disclosure strategies include starting the discussion with the concept they already known, sharing views and feelings in daily life, and avoiding being put themselves into a difficult situation where everyone knows nothing about asexuality; Thirdly, the challenges include being misunderstood, easy to be pathological, further exploration of related knowledge, and closer to ideal relationships. The most challenging thing to asexual people is disclosure to their partner. Asexual people consider whether the disclosure is good for relationship or not, and the purpose of disclosure is hoping their partner hold no incorrect expectations.</p> <p>This study discusses as follows. (1) the low visibility of asexuality affects the experience of disclosure, and it is a repeated and comprehensive action. To a certain extent, "asexuality comes out" equals "needs to explain what asexuality is". Some Asexual individuals choose not to come out temporarily because of "to avoid trouble". This is not "in the closet" or "go invisible", but a purely interpersonal consideration. (2) Disclosure is related to the contemporary script and telling to their partners is particularly challenging. Asexual men influenced by "masculinity" and asexual women feeling challenged to appear as contemporary women are all making attempt to break away from the traditional sexual scripts (3) Taiwan same-sex marriage plays an unique and meaningful role for asexuality and this facilitates consideration of disclosure and practices social justice. In terms of strategies of disclosure, discussing "same-sex marriage" as a starting point as nowadays people have had a more friendly attitude towards same-sex marriage. In the end of the study, some suggestions are made based on the results and discussions.</p> <p> </p>

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