
Title: A Pre-experimental study to assess the knowledge regarding computer vision syndrome among Bhaskar degree college Students, Udhampur. Objectives: The objectives of the study were: 1.To assess the pre-test knowledge regarding computer vision syndrome among college students.2. To assess the post-test knowledge regarding computer vision syndrome among college students.3. To compare the pre-test and post-test knowledge regarding computer vision syndrome among college students.4. To associate the selected demographic variables with the post-test knowledge regarding computer vision syndrome among college students. Assumption 1. The students of BCA may have more dependence on the computer.2. Computer vision syndrome may be common among BCA students.3. There may have adequate knowledge regarding computer vision syndrome among BCA students. Pre-experimental research design was adopted for the study. The sample size was 100 college going students of BCA. The tool was validated by experts and found to be valid for the study. Sampling technique: Sample was selected by using purposive sampling technique. Data collection: The data was collected by using questionnaire developed by the researcher. Results: The data was tabulated, analyzed and interpreted by using descriptive and inferential statistics. The present study confirms that the overall knowledge regarding computer vision syndrome in pretest was inadequate. This may be due to lack of education, unawareness, lack of exposure to health education program regarding computer vision syndrome. There was a considerable improvement of knowledge after the planned teaching program on computer vision syndrome. The post test results showed that more than half of students 54% had adequate knowledge, 46% had moderate knowledge and no one had inadequate knowledge.

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