
A pre experimental study to assess the effectiveness of planned teaching program on knowledge regarding awareness of COVID-19 among B sc. Nursing Istyr student at Bee Enn college of Nursing, ChakBhalwal, Jammu. Objectives: The objectives of the study are 1. To assess the pre-test level of knowledge regarding awareness of COVID-19 among BSc. Nursing students. 2. To assess the post-test level of knowledge regarding awareness of COVID-19 among BSc. Nursing students. 3. To evaluate the effectiveness of planned teaching program on knowledge regarding awareness of COVID-19 among BSc nursing students. 4. To find out the association between post test knowledge of BSc nursing students with the selected demographic variables. Methodology: A quantitative approach, pre experimental research design was used in this study. The sample was selected by purposive sampling technique sample size was 50. The instrument used for data collection was a self structured questionnaire was used to assess the knowledge regarding COVID-19 among BSc. Nursing Istyrstudents ChakBhalwal Jammu. The tool was validating by expert from various field. Pilot study was conducted and the reliability of the tool was checked. The tool was found to be reliable, so the main study was conducted in Bee Enn College of nursing, Chak Bhalwal Jammu. The data was collected by using self structured questionnaire. Results: In pre-test, we collected, we concluded that (78%) had inadequate knowledge (14%) students have moderate knowledge, and (8%) students have adequate knowledge regarding COVID-19. A planned teaching programme on COVID-19 was administered to the college students and was evaluated. Collected data was tabulated, analyzed and interpreted by using descripted and inferential statistics. The study revealed that (38%) students have moderate knowledge, (62%) students have adequate knowledge and no one have inadequate knowledge regarding COVID-19. The “t” test value was (15.12) which show that the knowledge of the students was increased after giving planned teaching programme. Conclusion: The Result of the study conclude that planned teaching programme plays a vital role in increasing the knowledge level among college students COVID-19.

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