
In this paper, we provide the first a posteriori error analysis of the discontinuous Galerkin (DG) method for solving the two-dimensional linear hyperbolic conservation laws on Cartesian grids. The key ingredients in our error analysis are the recent optimal superconvergence results proved in Cao et al. (SIAM J Numer Anal 53:1651---1671, 2015). We first prove that the DG solution converges in the $$L^2$$L2-norm to a Radau interpolating polynomial under mesh refinement. The order of convergence is proved to be $$p+2$$p+2, when tensor product polynomials of degree at most p are used. Then we show that the actual error can be divided into a significant part and a less significant part. The significant part of the DG error is spanned by two $$(p+1)$$(p+1)-degree right Radau polynomials in the x and y directions. The less significant part converges to zero at $${\mathcal {O}}\left( h^{p+2}\right) $$Ohp+2. These results are used to construct simple, efficient and asymptotically exact a posteriori error estimates. Superconvergence towards the right Radau interpolating polynomial is used to prove that, for smooth solutions, our a posteriori DG error estimates converge at a fixed time to the true spatial errors in the $$L^2$$L2-norm at $${\mathcal {O}}\left( h^{p+2}\right) $$Ohp+2 rate. Finally, we prove that the global effectivity indices in the $$L^2$$L2-norm converge to unity at $${\mathcal {O}}(h)$$O(h) rate. Our proofs are valid for arbitrary regular Cartesian meshes using tensor product polynomials of degree at most p and for both the periodic and Dirichlet boundary conditions. Several numerical experiments are performed to validate the theoretical results.

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