
Dramatic short videos have quickly gained a huge number of user views in the current short video boom. The information presentation dimension of short videos is higher, and it is easier to be accepted and spread by people. At present, there are a large number of drama short video messages on the Internet. These short video messages have brought serious information overload to users and also brought great challenges to short video operators and video editors. Therefore, how to process short videos quickly has become a research hotspot. The traditional episode recommendation process often adopts collaborative filtering recommendation or content-based recommendation to users, but these methods have certain limitations. Short videos have fast dissemination speed, strong timeliness, and fast hot search speed. These have become the characteristics of short video dissemination. Traditional recommendation methods cannot recommend short videos with high attention and high popularity. To this end, this paper adds external index features to extract short video features and proposes a short video recommendation method based on index features. Using external features to classify and recommend TV series videos, this method can quickly and accurately make recommendations to target customers. Through the experimental analysis, it can be seen that the method in this paper has a good effect.

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