
RESUMO Segundo Mikhail Bakhtin, a 'palavra monológica' não é realizada no diálogo; dela se depreende a 'palavra autoritária' que, como seu próprio nome indica, provém da autoridade, legal ou eclesiástica, do professor ou dos pais. Sua característica, como se escuta no discurso religioso, é a de não permitir a discussão; pede ser reconhecida e assimilada por nós. Entretanto, é possível que tal palavra, ainda que 'de outrem', seja convincente, incorporando-se ao nosso discurso com plena consciência; sendo assim, pode inclusive ser considerada 'palavra dialógica'. Para explicá-la melhor, a 'palavra autoritária' será vinculada a enunciados dogmáticos próprios das religiões, como o judaísmo e o islã, e, sobretudo, do cristianismo católico.


  • According to Mihail Bakhtin, a ‘monologic word’ is not realized in dialogue; related to it, an ‘authoritative word,’ as its name implies, comes from authority, be it legal or ecclesiastical, from teachers or parents

  • This used to be the case, especially after the Council of Trent, when attacking dogma was equivalent to being a heretic

  • One of the most important charges was that he denied the dogma of the Holy Trinity

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Types of Word in Bakhtin

The Russian philosopher focused his theory of language on the notion of a ‘discourse’ as the minimum unit in the structure of a text. Bakhtinian metalinguistics does not tend to overcome only linguistics, and language itself which by its very constitution tends to otherness. At all times it should be noted that, according to Bakhtin, the ‘word-discourse,’ be it authoritative or not, originates in the ‘word of the other.’ This is how people begin to speak: they take discourse from the other, as occurs with children who are in the process of learning a language. Because time and place are changing, the words of others will be modified throughout our existence: that which was rejected before is accepted; the one that was defended in the past is questioned, and so on, as long as there is that inner dialogue that promotes the generation of a new consciousness In this Bakhtinian logic, the last word of something has never been said

The Authoritative Word
Religious Dogma
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