
Many debt issues contain an embedded call option that allows the issuer to redeem the bond at specified dates for a specified price. The issuer is typically required to provide advance notice of a decision to exercise this call option. The valuation of these contracts is an interesting numerical exercise because discontinuities may arise in the bond value or its derivative at call and/or notice dates. Recently, it has been suggested that finite difference methods cannot be used to price callable bonds requiring notice. Poor accuracy was attributed to discontinuities and difficulties in handling boundary conditions. As an alternative, a semi-analytical method using Green's functions for valuing callable bonds with notice was proposed. Unfortunately, the Green's function method is limited to special cases. Consequently, it is desirable to develop a more general approach. This is provided by using more advanced techniques such as flux limiters to obtain an accurate numerical partial differential equation method. Finally, in a typical pricing model an inappropriate financial condition is required in order to properly specify boundary conditions for the associated PDE. It is shown that a small perturbation of such a model is free from such artificial conditions.

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