
The leukocyte adherence inhibition (LAI) test was designed to evaluate the presence of cellular immunoreactivity against specific antigens and is highly sensitive to analytical interference. To compare the performance of the LAI test among plasmas obtained with different anticoagulants, 36 blood samples of allergic subjects were divided into three tubes with heparin, sodium citrate, and EDTA. The adherence was assessed with the hemocytometer technique. The mean adherence of each group was compared as well as the number of tests with inappropriate adherence (<25%). Of the 36 tests, there were 4, 9, and 21 with inappropriate adherence in the groups of heparin, citrate, and EDTA, respectively. Of these last, 5 samples also did not demonstrate proper adherence with sodium citrate and 1 sample did not show proper adherence with any anticoagulant. The anticoagulant in the collection tube can elicit a specific immune response, becoming an interferent for the LAI test. In this case, there is the possibility of redoing the test using another anticoagulant. Performed with different anticoagulants, the LAI test may be used as a preanalytical tool for choosing the less immunoreactive anticoagulant for more complex immunoassays.


  • The evaluation of the immune status by the leukocyte adherence inhibition (LAI) test may be achieved by three main distinct methods: the method of the hemocytometer [1], the method of the tube [2], and the method of the microplate [3, 4]

  • The allergen-specific LAI test carried by the tube method was designed to monitor cell responses to ex vivo allergen challenges and was able to differentiate the plasma of subjects allergic to Dermatophagoides farinae from the plasma of subjects allergic to Artemisia vulgaris and from the plasma of nonallergic subjects [11]

  • Failure of leukocytes to adhere to glass after ex vivo challenge with specific antigens depends mostly on cellular mechanisms resulting from the interactions of B cells, T cells, monocytes and macrophages [12, 13], and several humoral factors, among them cytokines and antibodies [14]

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A Novel Utility for an Old Method

Instituto Alergoimuno de Americana, Rua Chile, 689 Bairro Cechino, 13465-740 Americana, São Paulo, Brazil. To compare the performance of the LAI test among plasmas obtained with different anticoagulants, 36 blood samples of allergic subjects were divided into three tubes with heparin, sodium citrate, and EDTA. Of the 36 tests, there were 4, 9, and 21 with inappropriate adherence in the groups of heparin, citrate, and EDTA, respectively. Of these last, 5 samples did not demonstrate proper adherence with sodium citrate and 1 sample did not show proper adherence with any anticoagulant. The anticoagulant in the collection tube can elicit a specific immune response, becoming an interferent for the LAI test. The LAI test may be used as a preanalytical tool for choosing the less immunoreactive anticoagulant for more complex immunoassays

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