
Random packet CDMA, a novel packet-based multiple access scheme for connectionless, uncoordinated random channel access is proposed. Random packet CDMA, or RP-CDMA, utilizes a novel packet format which consists of a short header and a data portion. Each header is spread with a unique spreading code which is identical for all users and packets, while the data portion of each packet is spread by a randomly chosen spreading sequence. The receiver operates in two stages: header detection and data detection. For header detection a conventional spread spectrum receiver is sufficient. Headers are spread with a large enough processing gain to allow detection even in severe interference. The data portion is decoded with a sophisticated receiver, such as a multiuser detector, which allows for successful decoding of overlapping active packets. It is shown that the RP-CDMA system is detector capability limited and that it can significantly outperform spread ALOHA systems whose performance is limited by the channel collision mechanism. RP-CDMA also experiences a much smaller packet retransmission rate than conventional or spread ALOHA, and provides better spectral efficiencies

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