
Many precise personalized learning recommendations in massive open online courses (MOOCs) have emerged in the intelligence education field. Up to now, most researches simply put the dual learner-resources relations into consideration and are short of studies looking deep into its intrinsic social relation, thus rarely introducing the influential factors such as social trust, which means to apply the mutual trust relation between learners in the precise personalized learning recommendation. Therefore, we propose a personalized learning recommendation method based on learners’ trust and conduct a quantitative analysis on two aspects: social trust and influence, so as to realize a precise personalized learning recommendation service. First, we establish a new module on social trust scale which integrates the interactive information and preference degree to reveal the implicit trust relation between learners in social networks and construct social trust networks. Next, we adopt improved structural hole (ISH) algorithm by integrating the topological structure of social trust network with learners’ interactive information and identify the most influential learners cluster by the ISH algorithm. For the final stage, we predict the score of target learners based on explicit and implicit feedback information and realize the personalized learning recommendation for new learners. Since the score is predicted, we compare MAE and RMSE in two real-world datasets which are Canvas Network and Wanke website, respectively. The result of experiment validates the accuracy and effectiveness of our recommendation model.


  • Nowadays, massive open online courses, or MOOCs, are attracting widespread interest as an alternative education model

  • The subscription to MOOC platforms has increased by 25–30%, which makes the research on recommender systems in these platforms more and more relevant. erefore, how to provide learners with targeted learning resources and improve the learning

  • Inspired by the above research, we analyze how structural holes influence the procedure of information diffusion and study a novel problem of mining structural hole spanners in social networks; we propose an improved structural hole (ISH) algorithm which makes it possible to efficiently excavate key nodes in directed graphs

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Massive open online courses, or MOOCs, are attracting widespread interest as an alternative education model. Erefore, this paper conducts a quantitative analysis on two dimensions of social trust measurement: trust relationship and influence, to calculate the trust degree of trust relation between individual users and cluster influence and improve the efficiency and accuracy of personalized learning recommendation. Since most researches on personalized learning recommendation systems put the dual learner-resources relations into consideration and often ignore the impacts of social trust on precise recommendation, this paper proposes a precise personalized learning resource recommendation method based on social trust, constructs a “learner-resources-social trust” triangle recommendation model, which depicts the social trust relation between individual learners and between learners clusters through quantitative analysis of social trust and influence dimensions, and provides precise recommendation for personalized learning recourses and improves learner’s self-inquiry learning ability.

Matrix Factorization
Identification of influential users
Cluster of influential learners
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