
Ti (Tumor inducing) plasmids in Agrobacterium tumefaciens can transfer their T-DNA region into dicotyledonous plants, in which the expression of T-DNA genes causes plant tumors and the production of bacterial nutrients, e.g., opines such as nopaline. Naturally occurring Ti plasmids (pTi) are difficult to cure by conventional curing methods because of their high stability. Here, we developed a novel curing method based on plasmid incompatibility. For this, a curing plasmid, pMGTrep1, was newly constructed and subsequently introduced into A. tumefaciens strains harboring pTi by conjugation with Escherichia coli harboring pMGTrep1. The conjugation yielded 32-99% nopaline non-utilizing agrobacterial transconjugants in which pMGTrep1 replaced pTi due to incompatibility. Then, pMGTrep1-less derivatives of the transconjugants are easily selected in the presence of sucrose because pMGTrep1 contains a sucrose-sensitive sacB gene. This efficient method is directly applicable for curing plasmids with the same incompatibility group and shoud also applicable to other types of plasmids in Agrobacterium groups, including A. rhizogenes, by replacing the rep gene region of the curing plasmid with that of the corresponding incompatibility.

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