
For computational multibody system dynamics, contact and friction problems are very complex and important problems. Therefore, this paper proposes a novel nonsmooth method for flexible multibody systems with contact and friction in 3D space. Considering the nonsmooth effect of contact and friction on the state variable of the multibody systems, the proposed method is divided into two parts: (i) the change of state variables under the action of smooth force and (ii) the change of state variables caused by contact and friction. Furthermore, for the contact part, the Newton’s impact law and the classical Coulomb friction model are employed to deal with normal impact contact impulse and tangential friction contact impulse, respectively. In addition, Fischer–Burmeister function and Karush–Kuhn–Tucker conditions are also used to solve the normal impact contact impulse and tangential friction contact impulse. What’s more, since the symplectic discrete format performs well robustness to numerical results, the discrete format of the proposed method is based on the symplectic discreteness, and it is expected to obtain the robust numerical results. Finally, several numerical examples are tested by the proposed nonsmooth method, and the numerical simulation results verify the effectiveness of the proposed approach.

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