
The primary goal of the process control is to control, monitor and to maintain different kinds of process stations at the desired stable conditions for improving the productivity and product quality. In industries most of the process are non - linear, controlling such type of system is difficult. So, spherical tanks are one among the non-linear systems which can be used to store maximum quantity of product in minimum area. These types of non-linear systems violate the superposition principle and are very difficult to control and monitor. Generally, conventional PID Controller is used for controlling a process in a plant. In Level control process, there exists the sudden change in final control element which leads to maximum overshoot and larger settling time, this stated phenomenon requires tuning of gain values to control the process variable to the set point. In order to overcome the above-mentioned problem, Anti reset windup concept is preferred. The mathematical modelling of a given process is obtained using black box system identification methodology. The accuracy in controlling the process variable is complicated due to its dynamic behaviour and characteristics. So in order to maintain the proper characteristics of non-linear system the mathematical modelling has been obtained by conducting the open loop test. In ancient stage the Ziegler Nicholas method is implemented to tune the PID parameters such as Kp, τi and τd which takes larger settling time, maximum Integral Square error and maximum peak overshoot. After tuning the PID gain values with the help of anti reset windup, the overshoot and settling time will be reduced. In this proposed work, Deadbeat and Dahlin’s Algorithms are used to convert the transfer function of the level process from ‘S’ domain to ‘Z’ domain (digital controller). The transfer function is used in MATLAB (Matrix Laboratory) to analyse the output of level process and the simulations are taken for the plant with above mentioned two different algorithms. For real time interface the LabVIEW platform is used and the results are discussed. This proposed digital controller with anti reset windup provides lower steady state error, minimum peak overshoot and minimum error criteria indices.

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