
The stake of distributed generation resources like fuel cell in daily market is proved to be a major uncertain problem. The volatile character of market price together with the unbalanced nature of power can take hold of economic advancement of distributed generation resources which in turn can culminate in diversion retribution while the market is being struck. This study introduces a market participation model in share conditions to improve the profit for Fuel Cell/wind turbine/storage/photovoltaic and demand response. To solve the mentioned problem, an accurate prediction model is presented in this paper. This model is based on complete ensemble empirical mode decomposition, and multiple artificial neural network which is coupled with Broyden water cycle algorithm. By this algorithm, the prediction accuracy of proposed forecast engine is enhanced and could get the better results. A sure-footed stochastic optimization approach was deployed in order to take prices of markets and distributed generation resources into account. In the generation of distributed generation resources, forecasting error database in everyday, modified, and depressed market was drawn on to induce probabilistic scenario. Improbable variables were discarded by a neuro-fuzzy model. Eventually, to illustrate the joint model strategy suggested in the study, a testing system contains fuel cell/wind turbine/storage unit/photovoltaic and demand response was utilized and the attained results were calculated in two different periods.

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