
Nowadays more and more small transistors make microprocessors more susceptible to transient faults, and then induce control-flow errors. Software-based signature monitoring is widely used for control-flow error detection. When previous signature monitoring techniques are applied to RISC architectures, there exist some branch-errors that they can not detect. This paper proposes a novel software-based signature monitoring technique: CFC-End (Control-Flow Checking in the End). One property of CFC-End is that it uses two global registers for storing the run-time signature alternately. Another property of CFC-End is that it compares the run-time signature with the assigned signature in the end of every basic block. CFC-End is better than previous techniques in the sense that it can detect any single branch-error when applied to RISC architectures. CFC-End has similar performance overhead in comparison with the RCF (Region based Control-Flow checking) technique, which has the highest capability of branch-error detection among previous techniques.

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