
The rapid growth of digital media has driven advancements in multimedia generation, notably in Music Anime Douga (MAD), which blends animation with music. Creating MADs currently requires extensive manual labor, particularly for designing critical frames. Existing methods like GANs and transformers excel at text-to-video synthesis but lack the precision needed for artistic control in MADs. They often neglect the crucial hand-drawn frames that form the visual foundation of these videos. This paper introduces a novel framework for generating high-quality videos from text-image pairs, addressing this gap. Our multi-modal system interprets narrative and visual inputs, generating seamless video outputs by integrating text-to-video and image-to-video synthesis. This approach enhances artistic control, preserving the creator's intent while streamlining the production process. Our framework democratizes MAD production, encouraging broader artistic participation and innovation. We provide a comprehensive review of existing research, detail our model's architecture, and validate its effectiveness through experiments. This study lays the groundwork for future advancements in AI-assisted MAD creation.

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