
The ancient origin of the lectin pathway of the complement system can be traced back to protochordates (such as amphioxus and tunicates) by the presence of components such as ficolin, glucose-binding lectin, mannose-binding lectin-associated serine protease (MASP), and C3. Evidence for a more primitive origin is offered in the present study on the Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas. C3 protein in C. gigas (CgC3) was found to be cleaved after stimulation with the bacteria Vibrio splendidus. In addition, we identified a novel C-type lectin (defined as CgCLec) with a complement control protein (CCP) domain, which recognized various pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs) and bacteria. This protein was involved in the activation of the complement system by binding CgMASPL-1 to promote cleavage of CgC3. The production of cytokines and antibacterial peptides, as well as the phagocytotic ratio of haemocytes in CgCLec-CCP-, CgMASPL-1-, or CgC3-knockdown oysters, decreased significantly after V. splendidus stimulation. Moreover, this activated CgC3 participated in perforation of bacterial envelopes and inhibiting survival of the infecting bacteria. These results collectively suggest that there existed an ancient lectin pathway in molluscs, which was activated by a complement cascade to regulate the production of immune effectors, phagocytosis, and bacterial lysis.

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