
The primary endpoint in many cough studies is 24 hour objective cough counting. When this is compared to our Patient Reported Outcomes (PROs) such as a Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) or cough diary data then a correlation of approxiamately 60% is observed. This suggests that cough counting does not reflect the full patient experience. We hypothesised that periods free from cough maybe a more accurate reflection of the patients perceived improvement in cough. The treatment of cystic fibrosis has been radically changed by the introduction of modulator therapy. We undertook 24-hour cough monitoring in patients prior to and 1 month post initiation of Kaftrio, utilising a semi-automated system for analysis (gift of Professor Birring). Total 24hr cough counts, mean hourly cough counts/24hrs and cough free hours were analysed in 14 patients (5 female, 9 male; mean age 31 years). Analysis revealed cough free hours/24hrs prior to treatment ranged from 0-14 (mean 7.2) which significantly improved, along with all other parameters measured, to a range of 7-19 (mean 13.8) hours cough free post treatment (p<0.01). These results suggest that the improvement in time free of cough is a sensitive index of drug efficacy and maybe more representative of the true patient perception of cough improvement.

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